• Question: How many neutrons are there in your brain?

    Asked by anon-205636 to Jose Angel on 4 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Jose Angel Martinez-Gonzalez

      Jose Angel Martinez-Gonzalez answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Quick reply… A lot…
      Long answer … It is so big.. that is not known.

      For example, each carbon atom has at least six neutrons and the glucose that is the molecule that makes the brain work has six carbon atoms. Just for the brain to work one day we need 125 grams of sugar that are almost 42161000000000000000000000 sugar molecules, that for 6 carbon atoms and for 6 neutrons per atom would give us 15177960000000000000000000 neutrons …

      And this just to start … you need to count all the different cells in the brain, count all the different atoms and each atom has a different number of neutrons ( carbon has 6, oxygen has 8, …). How can you see the numbers of neutrons in the brain are so big that we can not count them …
