• Question: what is PhD

    Asked by anon-205686 to adeliegorce on 2 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Adelie Gorce

      Adelie Gorce answered on 2 Mar 2019:

      A PhD is the last stage of university studies: after high school, you can go to the university to study for 3 or 4 years and if you still feel like you want to learn more then you can continue for an additional four years, in PhD!
      It is a bit different from school because you almost don’t have class, you work all the time on a project you picked with your supervisor, and learn about it by yourself, by reading, and with his/her help. Most of the time you study a very precise subject and after the 4 years you’re the person in the world that knows most about this subject! It’s very exciting, isn’t it?
      After your PhD you can become a professor in a university or work for a company, and you get to be called “Doctor”, that’s the cool part 😉
