• Question: In any way would you try to stop global warming

    Asked by anon-206064 to Russell on 8 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Russell Arnott

      Russell Arnott answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      One of the reasons I study plankton is that they could stop global warming. As they are plants, they take carbon dioxide out of the air (this is the main gas that causes global warming) as they grow. When they die, they sink to the ocean floor and get turned into sediment locking the carbon up at the bottom of the sea.
      So if we could harness this power without any knock on ecological effects, we could stop global warming. Plankton have already absorbed 50% of the carbon dioxide we’ve added to the atmosphere so already they’ve helped us; if we didn’t have plankton, the Earth could be twice as hot as it is now!
